The Reaper of Lost Souls Endorsed by Satan

Beelzebub, Texas (GL)- The Clinton campaign, which has fallen on hard times lately, has landed an endorsement from one of the most renowned politicians in history. The coming of Lucifer (or “Lou Boy” as George W. Bush took to calling him during his work for the 2000 Bush/Cheney campaign) has proven to be a divisive issue among Democrats. While Nancy Pelosi, whose district includes the cities of both Sodom and Gomorrah, has been a longtime supporter of the Dark Prince, prominent Democratic adviser James Carville has stated that the Clinton campaign’s adoption of Satan and His Army of Darkness is “too little too late” and well short of the steps necessary to defeat Barack Obama.

A rift of an entirely different nature is appearing in the Republican Party. Presidential Hopeful Mike Huckabee had been desperate in pursuing an endorsement from the Dark Prince. Huckabee, a former minister (already endorsed by G-d), was seeking this endorsement to underscore the breadth of his campaign's coalition. McCain's aides had put a full-court press to land El Diablo to prove to conservatives he lacked compassion for people.

However, Associated Press reports the devil was off shooting a movie with Meryl Streep during the bulk of the last few years. Meryl, a staunch Hillary supporter, was able to convince Lucifer to throw his support for Hilldog.

Republican Party officials released a statement this morning reading, "We're hurt that Satan, after a half century of loyal service to Republican Party, seems to finally be crossing the aisle." Perhaps Karl Rove, who interned with His Darkness during his college years, deserves the final word on the matter: "Who better to stop the second coming of Christ...errr...I mean JFK...than His Wickedness?"

Tehran, Je t'aime.

Anytown, USA (BD) - A touching documentary released roughly three months ago told the incredible story of love against all odds. At the center of the piece were Obstetrician/Jewish man Andy Samberg and Iranian President/Philanthropist Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. However, reports today have pointed out incongruities between the documentary and the reported lovers’ travel timelines. Associated Press reports Samberg had been celebrating Rosh Hashanah with his family in Brooklyn during the time the documentary places him serenading Ahmadinejad across America, rendering their story a farce.

And who released the story questioning the legitimacy of the documentary? None other than Mahmoud's Real True Love, John McCain. Last week we reported on McCain’s illegitimate children farm in Cain, Kosovo. However, this too had been a false story put forth by John McCain’s wife who had hoped to hide the truth of the affair with Mahmoud by creating an affair with the lobbyist. Pictured above is Mahmoud, with John’s love-flowers in the foreground.

Finding Emo

Carefree, Arizona (BD) – A self-automated robot broke loose from its Carefree factory today, creating havoc and sending the small town into a state of pandemonium. City officials ordered their residents to stay in their homes and watch out for the seemingly angry-for-no-reason robot they aptly named ‘Emo’. Operation ‘Finding Emo’ has taken top priority within the state.

In Sacramento only minutes later, lawmakers were left stunned as California Governor/Time Traveller Arnold Schwarzenegger quietly excused himself in the midst of an Environmental Protection meeting. Officials reported beeping sounds coming from the former body builder’s head while his eyes began projecting red lasers.

America Shocked!

New York, NY (BD) - A new American Apparel ad featuring Macaulay Culkin has sparked some controversy today replacing their Girl with Dog advertisement on Houston St. and Allen St.

Dance Dance Politician!

Maiarfambuta, Africa (BD) -In news today, President Bush joined a small African tribe to raise global awareness for AIDS. Bush, practicing his Swahili with the tribe's interpreter, came to believe they were shooting "Africa's Dancing with the Stars." Bush was eager to coalesce with what he found to be a rather off-beat television appearance because a new Broadway show was stealing all the media attention back in the states. After finding out he was dancing on the graves of genocide victims, Bush was quick to issue an apology.

Ratner Goes Nuts; DDL Raises the Roof

HOLLYWOOD (BD) - Producer/Douchebag/Director Brett Ratner reportedly stormed off the set of his new live action adaptation of the epic novel 'Beowulf' after the second big hiccup in production. First, the writers' strike halted production for close to three months. However, this time, a much more serious issue transpired: the actress playing Grendel refused to continue shooting when she found out somone had drank her milkshake. Sporting jeans made entirely out of golden iPhones, Ratner offered this to say: "I'm kind of a douchebag, right?" Haha, yes, Mr. Ratner, you certainly are. One can only hope Ratner's work one day surpasses that of his most admired film, a French short entitled "Deux Filles, Une Tasse".

In other news, actor/alchemist Daniel Day-Lewis painted the moon red last night in an effort to boost publicity for his movie 'There Will Be Blood' right before Oscar voting. After climbing back down to Earth, the sometimes-thirsty and always-delusional DDL proceeded to drink the closest milkshake he found, yelling all the while "I DRINK YOUR MILKSHAKE CHELSEA! DRAAAAINNNAGE!"

Obama Attacked by Velociraptor Disguised as Elderly Black Woman

Tragic news from the campaign trail today as Presidential hopeful, Junior Senator Barack Obama of Illinois, was attacked by a velociraptor disguised as a black woman. Campaigning with Obama was actor/philosopher Jeff Goldblum, quoted as saying, "God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs..." His concentration was then shaken by a nearby driving car
(See Video Here)

Black President cynics across America proceeded to pay out bets amongst each other on how Obama would be assassinated. Death by dinosaur paid out at a surprisingly low 2:1. For more information, please use your imagination. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Goldblum family for obvious reasons.